
Dr. Wendel’s Vast Repertoire of Knowledge in Health Practices

Dark To Light Health Products

Dr. Gail Wendel is the owner and founder of Magionic products and the Magionic.com website. She has been in private practice for over 18+ years as a natural health practitioner and energy healer for both humans and animals. She has a Doctorate in Naturopathy, a Master's Degree in Physical Therapy, MT, a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology, and other associated degrees in the arts and sciences.

She is a Nationally Board Certified Colon Hydrotherapist with certifications in Clinical Hypnotherapy, Biofeedback,  Psyche K, Iridology, Reflexology, Electro-acupuncture, A.R.T., Colour-light therapy, Color-puncture, TM, Reiki, I.E.T., Fingernail/Tongue diagnosis, and Thought Field Therapy diagnostics as well as being a Native American Indian Medicine Woman.

Mission Statement

The company's goal is multi-faceted. Simply stated, the company's goal contains the following belief system.

  • 1 To always seek knowledge and understanding.
  • 2 To always seek the truth (no matter how uncomfortable it is).
  • 3 To always assist those who are genuinely in need and willing to accept it.
  • 4 To always seek higher consciousness and awareness.
  • 5 To acknowledge and respect a higher power.

Furthermore, the company's goal is found in the belief that is meaningful/purposeful.

  • 1 To help others that need assistance with personal and/or health-related problems so that they can make the necessary changes in their life.
  • 2 Directed toward helping people of all races, religions, ethnicities, and sexes, regardless of social or financial status and without judgment.

Our first responsibility is to the well-being of our clients. We will meet this goal while trying to consider:

  • 1 Educating our clientele on how to detoxify, proper eating to rebuild the body, and energize the whole being.
  • 2 Educating our clientele on the safe and effective use of our products.
  • 3 The effect of our products on the health and well being of our clients.
  • 4 A certified health practitioner is on staff to answer your questions concerning your health, detox programs, your progress, and other alternative ideas.
Dark To Light Health Products

All of Dr. Gail's Products are Proudly Made in the USA